Sunday, 1 March 2020

Trick to quadruple a screen resolution

Nvidia researchers demonstrated a way to quadruple the normal screen resolution and double the refresh rate. The method can be applied in ordinary panels found in stores, and consists in placing a Panel on top of the other, i.e. it is necessary to have two screens to produce a.

The approach "cascaded displays" can be used to create displays with ultra-high resolution and that can be used in systems like the Oculus Rift. The idea takes advantage of the fact that the pixels themselves are relatively transparent. Thus, when we have two overlapping screens and some software to the mix, you can get more resolution than if it had just a Panel.

The news of the ExtremeTech explains that Nvidia bought two seven-inch LCD screen and 1280 x 800 resolution. As a first step, took the two screens and withdrew only the LCD panels. To counteract a conflict in polarization (the front panel rear polarizer crossed with front polarizer of rear screen) was used a filter between the two panels, which in turn are stacked with a slight detour. Thus, each pixel front, serves to shutter four pixels on the rear panel. This method makes it possible to still offer four times more spatial resolution (multiplicative) instead of offering only twice more (additive).

One of the first obvious applications of this innovation will be the construction systems HMD (head mounted displays) as the Oculus Rift. The goal is to use a cheap way to get offer more resolution.

This solution causes the image has less glare and there is some distortion which must be corrected by the software. The separation of the panels also leads to a reduction in the viewing angles. All these disadvantages have a reduced importance when talking on application in HMD, once the image is presented quite close to the eyes.

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