Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Microsoft wants to replicate physical sensation using tactile screen keyboard

Microsoft Research A research team at Microsoft is working on a technology for tactile screens of mobile devices you want to provide different sensations from what you're doing. For example: If you're writing on the virtual keyboard of a tactile screen, will have the feeling that if you're loading a button; and, if you are loading a button of the screen will have a feeling similar to the mouse click. In addition, be able to have a sense of the weight of a folder when you drag the files from one location to another on the screen of the equipment.

Second advances the Business Insider, the team from Microsoft is currently investigating a range of different tactile sensations of feedback involving both hardware and software.

To get the feeling that you're playing a keyboard, the company is using a method in which puts a layer of a material under the glass that bends when you feel electronic voltage-that is, the glass folds up slightly when you push each button.

Another approach being tested is related to a system called eletrovibraĆ§Ć£o, which switches the voltage applied to the surface of the glass. This changes the friction between the tip of the finger and the glass, creating sensations of softness or greater roughness. These sensors would be placed on the bezel of the smartphone or tablet.

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