Sunday, 9 February 2020

Microsoft begins to fix Windows Store and cleans 1500 apps

One of the biggest criticism falls upon the amount of apps that exist in the Windows Store and training that serve only to other apps or which offer free downloads of other applications. Microsoft has laid down clear rules for the use of names and icons to help guide users through existing content and insisted that all developers follow the new rules. Now, it is known that the company has already removed more than 1500 apps that did not respect the rules.

Microsoft confirms that will reimburse who bought one of these apps and it will expand the team that analyzes the apps before they enter the store.

The new rules came into operation in April, but there are still applications such as "Twitter Faceboo Instagram YouTube World Champs" that has a clear purpose to deceive the user and get him to do the download.

Some developers have confirmed to ArsTechnica that the new rules came into effect, but also left the alert that it seems that there are no human beings to approve the entry of these apps in the Windows Store. Currently, the process takes about an hour since the programmer suggests its application to obtain the necessary certification.

Microsoft is difficult to manage in a dilemma: on the one hand, you want users to feel wronged, but needs to have an interesting volume of apps so users are interested in.

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